Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 3, 2016

Electric Slippers

Electric slippers can be a great help to people suffering from cold feet, a common problem affecting millions of people today especially when they live in very cold countries. Chronic sufferers may even have Raynaud’s phenomenon, a medical term when such cold temperatures can give rise to blood vessels spasms which in turn cause poor circulation to your joints, toes, fingers and nose. However for most people getting cold feet is not something they can endure for long especially if it interferes with their work, or enjoyment and they want to find out how to get rid of cold feet.

Electric Slippers| Foot Warmers Slippers| Heated Slippers Can Help

Call it electric slippers, heated slippers, electric foot warmers or heated shoes, they certainly can help end your misery of cold feet which for some people extends to their whole body. Most of these shoes have a rubber sole so they can be worn either at home or the freezing outdoors. For slippers, they are just that - slip ons and are supposed to be worn indoors. Some people don't need to switch on the battery because the booties covering their ankle and feet can still get the warmth when wearing these slippers. But on really cold days, you would have to put in the given batteries, then turn the switches to "ON" position and the heating elements will warm the slippers quite effectively and your feet stay warm. For best use of these electric slippers and if the weather is really cold, you should turn on the heating elements for about 15 minutes before wearing your slippers.These electric slippers can be used outside your house even on cold days when you are enjoying your morning coffee with your newspaper before you head off to work.

Electric Slippers - A Few Things To Take Note

1. Most batteries will last for about 4-5 hours of continuous heating and depending on the slippers model may also take a few hours to get fully charged before you can use them. 2. Some models of electric slippers have their heating elements on the sole of the slipper and many people who bought such models prefered to have additional heating elements found in the upper part of the slipper. This would be ideal for people who have Raynaud's phenomenon medical condition who do not like the top of their feet getting cold. So do get your preferred type of foot warmers slippers. 3. Some electric slippers are not designed for walking and only for sitting down. 4. These electric slippers are not a one size fits most feet so do make sure you get the right size of slippers when you purchased. 5. Some electric slippers come with a massage feature. Generally they do work and many people find it a novelty having slippers that keep their feet warm and getting a foot massage which is more like a vibration. But it is recommended not to walk with these massage slippers even if it says you can. Some of the slippers may not be well cushioned for walking. At least not for the price you paid for these electric slippers.

Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 2, 2016

Wall Mounted Electric Heaters

If you are someone who lives in a very cold country or at least with long cold winters, then you would appreciate your home heater for keeping you warm during this season. It is quite common to see wall mounted electric heaters installed in these homes since they are inexpensive and is a viable option than installing an expensive central heating system.

Wall Mounted Electric Heaters-Take Less Time To Heat Up

If there is one big consideration that helps home owners decide such wall electric heaters is that they take lesser time to heat up the cold room surrounding area. These electric heaters are also used in offices and they can be mainly categorized as these different types of heaters – natural convection heaters, forced convection heaters as well as radiant heaters.

Wall Mounted Electric Heaters-The Preferred Choice

Wall mounted electric heaters are usually the preferred choice by many people in their homes as they have proven to be both reliable and efficient as they are very safe to use as well as fast in the heating up process. There are many nice and different models to choose from that you will be spoilt for choice. The most important thing is to take your time to choose one that can fit into the available space that you want to install it at. But since the unit is relatively small, you can practically install it at any place you wanted in your home. Also do remember to make sure that your wall electric heaters have been duly certified by an authorized testing company before you make the purchase. As the name already implies, these wall electric heaters are to be installed against your wall panel like your study room or the living room where it can quickly heat up the space intended to keep your body or legs and feet warm. However, do observe the safety precautions specified in the user manual so that you and your family can enjoy this heater safely.

Wall Mounted Electric Heaters-Easy To Use

Wall mounted electric heaters are also very easy to operate and this is another reason why it is a popular choice among buyers. All that is required is to just plug the heater into your wall electrical wiring and simply turn knob switch of the unit on. It’s as simple as that and it does not require any further wiring work to be done

Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 2, 2016

Boots Covers, BootGloves-Do They Work?

The DryGuy BootGlove Boot Covers Review

If you suffer from cold feet and still like to ski, then boot gloves are certainly what you need or it can make your skiing trip an agony. They are essentially insulators and within minutes of use delivers warmth to your feet and comes with different sizes to suit your boots.
Here are what some Amazon customers who have used the DryGuy BootGlove have to say about this product: poor circulation in my feet:"I loved my battery operated warmers but they were costly, broke at least once a season, had to be replaced and cumbersome. Finally, an easy to use, inexpensive way to keep my feet from getting cold. I have poor circulation in my feet and have tried everythng from the battery insoles to taping hand warmers to my socks and using pepper rubs in plastic bags. As a scuba diver, I thought this just might work. And it did. My feet aren't what I would call toasty but they certainly are "warm" enough, they have feeling in them and I am comfortable all day which is what matters. And that is with one pair of medium ski socks. I am thrilled to have found these and even more so by the price and ease of use. I haven't tried them in below zero (F) but they did well in single digit temps that warmed to the teens." -By L. Devitz (Tampa, FL) made my feet warm:The boot glove ski boot covers worked good. They made my feet warm that would have been cold. The glove is made out of neoprene which will eventually wear out. I have used them five times and they are working good now. -By Cal (Fresno, California) worked for sub-zero biking:I give props out to whoever invented these things. Excellent stuff! I've been biking the entire winter (about 20 miles per day) here in Chicago and I have been wearing them over my Texas Steel boots. Last week I tested them for a 45-minute ride, with a negative two degree temperature (and -20 to -30 degree wind chill), and with only wearing white socks plus and extra pair of thick hunting socks, the boot covers did the trick and kept the toes at a normal temp. BootGloves or Boot Covers do work. If you are someone who constantly gets cold feet or suffers from poor blood circulation in your feet or hands, you will feel the big difference when you used them. The bootglove seems to be regarded by many people as a good solution and alternative to other foot warmers like Hotronics which are more expensive.

Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 2, 2016

Electric Boots

Electric boots are a must have if you are looking for winter boots for men to use for low temperatures of say -30 degress. Nowadays searching for men's winter boots can be quite intimidating simply because there is just such a wide range to choose from. Thanks to so much competition among the many manufacturers of heated foot warmers like electric slippers.

What To Look Out For In A Good Winter Boot

1. It depends much on what is the main purpose you want to use these winter boots for. If they are to keep out the thick snow then look for boots that can withstand bitter cold weathers of -40 degrees at least. 2. For walking and travelling in deep snow ensure that the boots have a good tread on their bottom. This will help greatly in preventing you from slipping on icy surfaces, a very painful thing. 3. Good comfortable winter boots are made with ample room in the toe and heel areas. They are designed such because most people are expected to be wearing wool or winter socks to keep their feet warm..

Electric Boots - What To Look For

These are the qualities of a good pair of electric boots for men: 1. They should be able to keep your feet warm and dry for hours out in the snow and cold. 2. They are comforable and light enough to wear these boots all day walking around. 3. Each electric boot should have its own battery that charges off the same dual USB charger. 4. The boots must be easy to walk and perfrom well in most types of terrains including rocky, forest, sandy, and paved terrains. 5. The electric boots should have omni-heat technology which is used by leading electric slippers and heated boot manufacturers to keep your feet warm even without needing you wearing any warm socks. 6. They should be water resistant because most winters are also wet winters with a lot of puddles and rain accompanied and you certainly don't relish the thought of ending up with wet socks each time you used these heated boots. 7. There is one common similiarity in snow boots, winter boots and electric boots and that is the soles are made of 100% waterproof material like rubber. This is so important because waterproof soles and boot bottoms will offer the best protection against the wet and cold elements. Easy to clean these boots too.

Electric Boots - They Sizzle In The Snow

These electric boots are not your everyday boots as they are specially made and designed for the cold outdoor activities with at least 200 grams of insulation and a very aggressive treaded outsole. One of the more distinct differences obviously is that each of these heated boots houses a battery powered electric heating unit. Most people who wear good heated boots or foot warmers remember Columbia as one of the leading manufacturers producing high-performance winter boots with a built-in heating system a few years back and they were sold out very quickly. Even till today there is such a growing demand for good quality, fashionable and trusted electric boots. Related Articles:

Electric Heated Gloves

Heated gloves battery operated ones are getting very popular because these electric heated gloves can provide heating solutions and put an end to your discomfort in cold winters. They can help you continue to enjoy the usual outdoor activities if you loved to ski or ride a motorbike or do pillion riding. People who suffer from arthritis and experienced cold hands during winter months will find these electric heated gloves for arthritis besides electric foot warmers a real relief and comfort. If you are an outdoor person, perhaps someone who skis or rides a motorbike or does pillion riding, or suffers from arthritis, you probably have experienced cold hands during winter months. Electric Heated Gloves can let you enjoy many outdoor sports you like to do because protecting and keeping your hands warm are very important for your total enjoyment of the sport.

How These Electric Heated Gloves Work

These heated gloves are usually battery operated and therefore make using them so easy and convenient, anywhere and anytime and most of these devices come with rechargeable batteries. These electric hand warmers fit well into your hands and are comfortable besides keeping your hands warm at a preset constant temperature. They are designed to keep your hands warm because they are made with thin insulation apart from heat produced by the small batteries. The electric heated gloves heat up at the upper portion of your palm and heat is then circulated into your fingers so that they also get the warmth produced.

Electric Heated Gloves For Sports Enthusiasts

Most people who love sports for leisure or professionally depend a lot on these electric hand warmers to be able to enjoy their favorite sports in winter like snowboarding, skiing and hiking and many other outdoor activities. Without these electric heated gloves, they probably would suffer the intense cold or worst, severe frost bites.

Safety Precautions When Wearing Electric Heated Gloves

If you are using these heated gloves for riding a motorbike you should ensure that the hand gloves are not too big for you to prevent you from operating your bike controls properly and put yourself at risk. There are specially designed heated motorbike hand gloves that you can check up to find the most suitable pair of heated gloves for you.

Where To Buy Electric Heated Gloves

According to electric heated gloves review, most people choose the easiest way to buy these electric heated gloves – through online shopping of course. That way you just do a quick search on Google’s search engine in the comfort of your home and do not have to inconvenience yourself to visit any physical merchant’s shop. Online shops who specialised in heating solutions for home do provide a good variety of electric heated gloves for all your heating needs to cater for any outdoor activities

Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 2, 2016

Foot Warmers For Elderly

Over the years there have been many thermal clothing products designed to warm the body but foot warmers for elderly are probably the most understated or underused foot and hand warmers. That's becasue foot warmers manufacturers tend to produce more warming products for the trendy or youngsters but lesser for the elderly or those with medical conditions. They probably missed out the fact that these elderly folks still go outdoors in winter and do need foot warmers, hand warmers, leg warmers, toe warmers as much as any other persons. This article discusses foot warmers on elderly and some of the simple ways to help them overcome cold winters so as to lead a normal life like anyone else.
Some winters can get so bitterly cold that only electric foot warmers can offer good heating to the feet of older people who have to venture out in the cold outdoors. Some elderly folks may not be able to use an electric foot warmer for medical reasons and it is important to find out what are some of the things these people can do to warm themselvs especially their cold feet. It is important to first consider the following: 1. Check the inside of your shoes before you wear them. Sometimes people who suffer from neuropathy may experience tingling sensations in their feet and may not have realized if something may have fallen into the soles of the shoes. Things like sand and pebbles, fabric or leather that may rub against your foot can give rise to other problems for the elderly. People who are diabetics are quite likely to be afflicted to neuropathy. If any of your shoes are worn out, be sure to replace them. 2. Wear good and warm socks and remember that it is important o change them daily. They should be clean and wrinkle free too. Some diabetics like socks that have no seams. 3. For the elderly persons, it is so important to speak to their doctors first before they start wearing any electric foot warmers, toe warmers or even electric blankets at night. Putting on some cooling or heating gels may seem like a good idea but sometimes it can harm their bodies too. Especially so if they have some form of medical condition that may be adversely affected from using them. 4. If elderly persons have cleared with their doctors that they can use foot warmers for elderly they could then consider using thermal leg warmers, gloves, hats, vests and socks to keep warm. The good thing about these thermal heating products is that newer designs have recently been produced that can be worn both as an under garment as well as outer garment. This means you can better warm most parts of your body. Hopefully more hand and foot warmers manufacturers will soon design more foot warmers for elderly so that they too can enjoy the warmth these same thermal products bring to others too.

Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 2, 2016

Hand and Foot Warmers

Hand and foot warmers are perhaps one of the most essential things that most people rely on to keep their hands and feet warm during very cold weathers. This is true especially during winter seasons and you are outdoors like in the mountains in Colorado where you can experience some of the coldest days. If you intend to be comfortable and warm, you will need proper protection because any outdoor activities in these weather conditions can pose some real danger to your health.

Without Hand and Foot Warmers-What are the risks of prolonged cold weather exposure?

If you subject your body with prolonged cold temperatures, your feet and hands are the first to feel cold. Why is this? Well this is so because it is your body's natural reaction to preserve blood flow to all your bodily organs and better maintain your body from the cold temperature. Your fingers and toes become very cold as a result and it is common to see them turn red with some swelling too. With prolonged exposure, your hands and feet may feel numb and start to have a tingling sensation and it is painful as well. Frostbite follows after this stage and your hands, feet, nose and ears are the most common areas to get it. It often comes with more swelling and blisters and your skin surface now starts to turn yellow. Frosbite can be a very serious condition and even professional mountaineers know it is their greatest enemy during freezing cold weathers.

How to Protect Your Body Besides Hand and Foot Warmers

1. If your hands and feet have been subjected to severe cold weather exposure that can lead to frostbite then never rewarm your hands and feet or any other parts of your body for that matter. You may want to note that the thawing and refreezing of these body surfaces can do more harm than you think. The correct way is to rewarm the affected body surfaces in water heated to between 101 to 104F. Refrain from any massaging on the area too as this will give rise to tissue damage and if this is possible try to seek medical help. 2. Always seek shelter from the cold weather and look for a warmer place to move to. If any parts of your body have been affected by possibel frostbite you should wrap such areas using sterile dressings before medical help comes. 3. If you already know that you are going to be exposed to prolonged cold temperatures then avoid alcohol or cigarettes and get lots of rest and eat more.

Hand and Foot Warmers|Toe Warmers - The Best Protection

1.It is wise to stock up on hand and foot warmers, toe warmers, electric foot warmers and heated gloves to places that you frequently go or use like your car, office, closet. That ensures that you have instant warmth in any of these places and location. Many of these warming products can work for at least 5 hours and usually come in packs of 10 pairs. 2. If you buy good toe warmers, they certainly can do a good job in keeping your toes warm even at chilly weathers of below zero temperatures. 3. Many people use toe warmers to keep their toes warm even when they ski on cold days. As you can see hand and foot warmers play an important role in keeping the warmth for people who are outdors for a good part of their lives. Hand and foot warmers are probably the most simple, affordable yet useful thing that helps people continue with their activities during cold winter seasons.

Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 2, 2016

Toasty Feet Insoles-An Alternative To Electric Foot Warmers

Toasty Feet Insoles are the only natural way many people used to keep their feet warm in winter and cool in summer. The main reason that your feet get cold is because you lose body heat through the bottom of your foot whenever you stand on a surface that is colder than your body temperature. That is also not just when you are only outdoors. You can get cold feet too when you are working indoors in your office sitting at your desk. Toasty Feet Insoles solve this problem by putting an insulating barrier between the bottom of your foot and your shoe. So your feet stay warm naturally by retaining your body’s own heat. One of the first things you would notice about Toasty Feet Insoles is how thin they are. It is just three-sixteen of an inch thick. So there is no problem fitting any of them to your shoes. Being this thin, they are also very lightweight with each toasty feet insole weighting less than one and an half ounces so they don’t add any extra weight to your shoes.
What is so special about these foot warmers insoles is that they used a material that was developed by Nasa for use in space suits for their astronauts called Aspen Aerogel. It is commonly referred to as frozen smoke and is extremely strong and can support 500 t0 4000 times its own weight. That is important to know because it wouldn’t crush under your own weight. If it crushes it loses the trapped air that makes it such an amazing insulator. Toasty Feet Insoles work just as good in the summer time to keep the heat from coming up through the bottom of your shoes and make your feet hot and sweaty. So most people just put these foot warmers insoles inside their shoes and leave them there. Unlike electric foot warmers, these Toasty Feet Insoles do not have any batteries or chemicals so less hassle of replacing them every few hours like other normal foot warmers. Electric Foot warmers also come with a list of warnings. If you don’t use them properly or used them in the wrong kind of shoes, they can actually burn you if you are not careful. Most people get about two years of use for each pair of Toasty Feet Insoles although it does depend on how often you used them. But they generally will last much longer if you put them in your shoes and leave them there. It’s probably a good alternative to the usual electric foot warmers that you have been using for years.

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 2, 2016

Electric Hand Warmer Heat Gloves For Arthritis Pains

The use of Electric Hand Warmers is an effective method to provide quick pain relief to your sore arthritic joints. These hand warmers are recommended by the Arthritis Foundation to relieve arthritis pains and hand cramps.The scientific explanation for such quick pain relief is that the penetrating warmth helps to moisturize and hydrate your hands. A quick look at Amazon's electric hand warmer heat gloves got our attention to a popular product with the following product features:

Product Features:

Electric Hand Warmers are roomy enough for hands of any size. It provides three precise temperature settings. Electric Hand Warmers has convenient washable liners. It includes heat activated nutrient rich hand cream. Electric Hand Warmers also provideds two-years warranty.

All nine customers who bought this electric hand warmer only have good things to say:

Customer Reviews: "So, how do they work? GREAT. There's nothing like warmth on chronically aching hands and wrists. It feels soooo good. The product seems well-made (sturdy seams, stout wiring), and large enough for big hands. A "medium" setting is plenty, once they warm up. Personally I'd go for a thin cotton liner rather than the poly bag. The price is a tad high but not outrageous. A good-quality drugstore heating pad is $18; if money's tight buy that instead and wrap your hands in it. For the Mastex Mittens: if you can get over the absence of normal packaging, then enjoy the product for what it is: a welcome source of temporary pain relief." By Avery St. Clair (San Francisco, CA United States) "Believe it or not I bought these for my husband to use because he has such bad arthritis in his hands. When his hands are really hurting, he puts these on and takes his medications and gets some relief from his pain. " By Brenda "Brenda" (Homosassa, FL) "I've purchased a few sets of these for my father who is elderly and has poor circulation. He LOVES them. He's gone through a few pairs, but he uses them about 16 hours a day - every day. So taking that into consideration, they really have held up well. " By Patti V (Des Moines, IA)

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 2, 2016

Hot Booties Foot Warmers-Do They Work?

The person who first invented foot warmers probably did not know just how much help they now bring to millions of people all over the world. These are the people who suffer from arthritis specifically in their feet or have a tendency to get cold feet more often than others. These foot warmers include electric foot warmers and electric slippers or sometimes called hot booties foot warmers but they all share a common purpose - keeping your feet warm and comfortable. Hot Booties are a slipper-type foot warmer you heat in the microwave before you put them on. What does it claim? Hot Booties promise to "warm your feet in seconds" and provide "long-lasting heat" to soothe cold, achy or stressed feet. Who tested it? Virginia Beach resident and jewelry maker Kym Bach
hot booties foot warmersWhat Are The Instructions? Place Hot Booties in the Bootie Bag and then heat in the microwave for 30 seconds. Carefully touch to test. If they're not warm enough, heat in 15 second increments but for NO LONGER than 90 seconds total. Did it work? Bach really liked them. She found that Hot Booties lived up to the claim to warm her feet in seconds. The one thing she found a little odd was walking in them. She said the natural linseed that holds the heat made her feel like she was walking on sand. While she gives Hot Booties a good review, she'd like them even better if they covered her ankles. Cost/Availability? You can purchase Hot Booties at Michael's for $14.99. Cautions: Use care when removing the booties from your microwave because of the heat. Don't leave the booties unattended during heating because overheating may cause the cover to ignite. Allow Hot Booties Foot Warmers to return to room temperature before reheating. Due to variations in microwaves, it may be necessary to adjust temperature and time settings. NOTE: Hot Booties can also be used cold to soothe and cool tired, over-heated feet. Just place the Hot Booties in the Bootie bag and put it in the freezer.

Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 2, 2016

Here's How To Choose The Best Hand Warmer

In most times when you need to wear foot warmers to protect your self in a cold outdoor activity like skiiing, you probably would also need to wear hand warmers. But how you select your foot warmer differs quite a lot from how you would choose the best hand warmers. It can be difficult to choose a hand warmer, but consumers should bear in mind the circumstances in which they will be using their hand warmers. An individual who is out on a long hike, for example, may benefit best from chemical hand warmers. Chemical hand warmers are often disposable, and heat is created from one or more chemical reactions between ingredients contained within them. Another viable option for those on the go are hand warmers that are powered by lighter fluid or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). These models are refillable and provide hours of heat to cold body parts. Most folks who opt for this model of hand warmer do so because of environmental concerns; a reusable hand warmer creates less waste than its disposable counterpart. One of the more high-tech options available are hand warmers that connect to a computer via a USB slot. USB hand warmers come in a couple of different forms, the most popular two being mitten-shaped hand warmers and a hand warmer that is merely a heated cylinder that the user can grasp for instant warmth. Both forms work by converting energy output from the USB slot to give a slight jolt of warmth to chilly fingers. A readily available no-frills option is the battery-operated hand warmer. Battery-operated hand warmers utilize disposable or rechargeable batteries. Disposable battery-powered hand warmers are usually less costly, but produce more waste. Rechargeable hand warmers work much like a cell phone--just plug it in and wait for it to charge. It should be noted that improper use of hand warmers may cause serious burns or other injuries. Hand warmers should not be left unattended at any point. It is important to always consult the manufacturer's safety instructions prior to using any of the products. Consult a medical professional if accidental injury occurs.

Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 2, 2016

Foot Warmer Mat

Of all Electric Foot Warmers the foot warmer mat seems to be everyone’s favorite electric foot warmer these days. With some winters getting unbearably cold, it has become a must have to place these heated mats under your computer desk when you work.

Electric Foot Warmers|Foot Warmer Mat|Heated Foot Warmers| Are So Popular

Indus-Tool FWXXX Cozy Electric Foot Warming PadWell it’s simple and it works. It's been called other electric foot warmers names too but this foot warmer mat (Indus-Tool FWXXX Cozy Electric Foot Warming Pad) is eco friendly and it costs next to nothing to run it and it works. From a recent foot warmers review we found that the average cost to run this electric foot warming pad is only about 1.2 cents per hour although it varies a little from state to state. Most people will compare this to the amount of energy and the hundred times this money spent to operate a central gas heating system.
This foot warmer mat not only keeps your feet warm, but your whole body warm too. It comes with a built-in thermostat. It normally takes about 10 minutes to get warm to have your feet toasty throughout the day. The good thing is that it only uses 90 watts of electricity compared to running a 1,500 watt space heaters right next to your desk for hours.

Also check out this other model as well: Indus-Tool TT Toasty Toes Ergonomic Heated Footrest

A Precaution Before Using This Electric Foot Warmer

Understandably this electric foot warmer can produce such a good amount of heat. While this is generally appreciated by most people, anyone who suffers from some medical condition like diabetes should exercise care before using. For older folks especially, their feet are usually more sensitive to heat well over 95-100 degrees. This foot warmer is able to generate heat for about 135 degrees and for people who wear socks it can get pretty hot for them. Fortunately, the electric foot warming pad has a switch that you can control this heat down to a preferred setting. However older folks with medical conditions should always consult with their doctors before using this foot warmer.

Some Things To Know Before You Buy Your Electric Foot Warmer

Most electric foot warmer pads are made of plastic and depending on the type of material used, can give off a very bad powerful smell of hot rubber once the foot warmer is heated up. A good way to avoid this problem is to buy one that is carpeted all around and so it doesn’t smell. A good example is the Cozy-Toes Portable Foot Warmer which gives no smell at all. The electric foot warmer mat does have an on/off switch in the power cord although from our review, the older models don’t. So do remember to buy only the newer foot warmer models with this switch. That is going to save you more electrici energy as well as feel more comfortable using these electric foot warmers for sure.

Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 2, 2016

USB Foot Warmer

A New Breed of Electric Foot Warmers, Electric Slippers Helping Your Cold Feet

USB Foot Warmer- Another Good Way To Keep Your Feet Warm

Yes the USB Foot Warmer is perhaps a new type of electric foot warmers, electric slippers, heated gloves that have slowly entered the footwear industry. They may also look funny, sometimes with outlandish bright colours and sometimes with cartoon designs. But they serve a common purpose - they help to keep your cold feet warm.
If you spend a great deal of your time working on your computer, or playing your playstation games, these USB foot warmers are the perfect heating solution for your cold feet during the cold winter season. These act like your electric slippers and have a heating pad for you to connect into your computer's USB port. Hence the name USB Foot Warmer. Just simply slip your feet into these soft slippers and instantly your feet get toasty warm. One country heavily using USB Foot Warmers is Japan, due to their country's power conservation drive requiring all their office thermostats to be turned lower on a national scale. Women staffers and exectives alike now do not have to work in cold feet with the latest foot warmers. Office dress codes (formal or not) continue to keep ladies in skirts and dresses, and though they'd surely love to bring their comfy, cozy, fluffy plush bunny slippers from home, the ensuing fashion faux pas will likely never be lived down. JTT Online Shop has a solution of sorts: great big hedgehog-shaped slippers that plug into the user's computer or laptop via a USB cable! We're not sure how clumping around the executive suite in these things is any different than doing so in your bodacious bunny slippers but JTT has done their market research, as you'll soon learn. Similarly closer to home in the US, these USB foot slippers are a great help during winter and are great gift items too. It's cheap, lightweight and just what you would need for your freezing feet. Simply plug them into a USB port on your computer, and your feet will quickly become warm and toasty. The cord provided is quite long and so have enough to go around your work area. If you need to leave your computer all that is required is to unplug the USB Foot Warmer and you don't have to remove your foot warmers too.

Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 2, 2016

Grabber Foot Warmers-A Simpler Way Of Keeping Feet Warm

Foot Warmer Insoles Provide Instant Heating

For those people who have been relying on electric foot warmers in some form and fashion, you may be interested to know that many people now also turn to Grabber Foot Warmers to keep them warm, specifically feet, hands and toes. It’s been shown to be a simple alternative to the likes of USB Foot Warmers, or electric slippers that we discussed before.
Essentially Grabber Foot Warmers are thin comfortable air-activated Warmers that fit in your shoe or boot, and provide over 5 hours of soothing warmth beneath your feet. It uses the latest foot warmer insoles that have now helped tens of thousands of skiers, snowboarders, hunters, campers, hikers, birdwatchers. Well actually anyone who loves outdoor activities and are not going to let the cold weather ruin their outdoor sports either at work or play. The Grabber Warmers are predominantly used for portable, long-lasting heat therapy. So it will greatly help people who suffer from cold feet, sore feet and toes as a result of Arthritis, Raynaud's, Lupus, Scleroderma, or poor blood circulation.

Who Can Use Grabber Foot Warmers:

· For people who have a medical condition in which their body is unable to retain heat or they feel cold all the time ·for hikers who want to enjoy hiking even at cold temperatures · for those who suffer from Raynauds condition as these foot warmer insoles help to keep their feet warm continuously for about 5 hours · for people who work outdoors all day · for skiing

How Grabber Foot Warmers Work:

We ran a check at Amazon where these foot warmers are sold out so fast and here is one happy customer who bought it have to say: “I tried this product for the first time yesterday, OMG!! this product is awesome, it feels so good on my feet. They stayed in place and provided perfect warmth for even more than the five hours per the package. They are very light and are comfortable except for the heat you don't even notice they are there. They do not get too hot either like the hand warmers or toe...” These foot warmer insoles fit in your shoe or boot to provide you with over 5 hours of soothing warmth beneath your feet. When you open the package you would notice that the foot warmer insole begins to heat up instantly because of the exposed air. They are made to eliminate sweat and foot odor too and you would be pleased to know that they are non-toxic and biodegradable.

Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 2, 2016

Massaging Foot Warmer

A massaging foot warmer may well be what you need to turn to in the comfort of your home after going through a busy day in the office as you’ve recently found it a good way to make you relax. Well the truth is that the act of massaging can do you good for the back pain that usually comes after sitting on your office chair facing your computer for 9 long hours. Yes this electric foot massager may be an inexpensive and simple device; yet you are now seeing more people searching for this product to ease their tired and sore feet.
But if you are still having doubts as to what are the benefits of purchasing a foot warmer massager, then read on further for more information about massaging foot warmer, what it does, why so many people love this foot massager. It is definitely going to improve your overall health condition in the long term.

Why Do You Need An Electric Foot Massager

1. Giving a foot massage will improve your blood circulation and this helps to remove the unwanted toxins in your body cells resulting in improved nutrients flow to these cells. Your feet will not have any danger of poor circulation which often leads to your feet swelling. 2. A good and relaxing foot massage helps to bring down your stress levels caused by your ever demanding job in the office. If you have a heart condition, you should know just how important it is to bring your stress level to an acceptable level. 3. It helps to prevent the problems of early varicose veins and oedema, commonly known as fluid retention, all of which are usually old age problems. 4. The Chinese belief in acupressure reveals that specific locations on your foot can help to treat certain ailments, and aches throughout your body. Giving a relaxing foot massage can only be good for your overall health, so they claimed. Before You Buy Your Massaging Foot Warmer 1. Before you buy the foot warmer for bed, ascertain a budget you are prepared to spend on this electric foot massager such as the foot warmer and massager fwm40. This will ensure that you only look at those models that fall within this price range. 2. Read up to understand some of the main features as well as other testimonials of both satisfied customers as well as those who encountered bad experiences on the product. 3. Always compare prices of electric foot warmers from different stores both offline as well as online ones. However it is very important that you look for one that is suitable to your needs and at the right price. 4. A good massaging foot warmer should be easy to operate and requires just slipping your both feet and turning the switch. Avoid those with more features that you do not require so as not to pay more unnecessarily.

Precautions When Using Electric Foot Warmer and Massager

If you have a medical condition like diabetes, thrombosis or just had surgery and may have some mechanical inserts in any parts of your body, or if you are pregnant, you should first consult your doctor before starting to use the massaging foot warmer. Check out: Nap Luxe Massaging Foot Warmer

Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 2, 2016

Bed Foot Warmer

The bed foot warmer is an ideal solution to warm your bed just before you get your sleep or perhaps you simply want to keep your feet warm during an extremely cold night. If you are buying this product for the first time, you should consider getting one that has a dual switch. That allows you to select for 2 settings – the first one is for high setting which warms your bed very quickly while the low setting helps to keep you warm throughout the cold nights.
If you have been using a make shift or DIY bed foot warmers like rice bags heated up in your microwave, then you will find this end of bed foot warmer to be a great improvement and feel very comfortable. The wires are carefully concealed in the electric foot warmer and so you will not feel any of them or any big electric plug towards the end of the mattress. This will ensure that you have a good warm uninterrupted sleep throughout the night.

Bed Foot Warmer – Why You May Need One

For most people who frequently get leg or foot cramps often in the middle of the night, this electric bed foot warmer is probably a perfect solution to this annoying problem. It ends this problem once and for all and for you this means no more getting out of bed to do those stretching of the legs and feet just to make the cramps stop. Gone are the days too for those who have had to put on socks or use a heating pad which really is too small to be effective. Check out these 2 models: Battle Creek Bed Warmer and Sunbeam Foot Cuddler Heated Mattress Pad You can check online to find a good variety of any type of bed foot warmers in different sizes and even one that can fit a twin size bed too.

Bed Foot Warmer – How You Should Use It

The foot of the bed warmer is best used by setting it on timer control as it is not recommended to be switched on for the entire night. How long you set it is much left to your personal preference but it’s recommended to be set for an hour before bedtime and to go off about an hour after bed time. This bed foot warmer does the job of keeping the bed covers warm so that your cold feet will feel the warmth when you tuck them in. You can also adjust the thermostat of the foot of the bed warmer to low as that also helps to keep the electricity bill in check.

Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 2, 2016

Microwave Foot Warmers

Microwave Foot Warmers could be something you may be looking for if you are frantically searching for a good way to soothe your aching feet especially after a hard day in the office or if the winter cold weather does not seem to get any better. It does not require any scientific research to tell you that heat therapy is a very good way to relieve such soreness and discomfort of your aching feet. In fact many people have found electric slippers or heated slippers a real comfort to do just that.

Microwave Foot Warmers-Put An End To Cold Feet

During extremely cold weathers and if your work requires you to be outdoors often, many people tend to suffer from very chronic pain caused by constant cold feet. In fact, having cold feet could often lead to more serious health complications if you do not take necessary actions to avoid prolonged chronic cold feet. The reason how so many people got rid of this problem is when they found real help from microwave foot warmers or microwave slippers. Microwave foot warmers are specially designed to generate constant heat to keep your feet warm and yet remain very comfortable to wear. However in order that you get the most optimum result from wearing the microwave foot warmers, there are a few things that you must do. Microwave Foot Warmers-How To 1. Firstly before you wear them, ensure that you dry your feet. Obviously the next step is to place the microwave foot warmers into your microwave machine for not more than a minute. While different models may vary a little, the general rule is that a minute's worth of microwaving can retain the heated slippers for about 30 minutes of use. So you can microwave foot warmers according to how long you wish to use these foot warmers. 2. Before you microwave foot warmers, you must do a quick check to see if there are any metal objects that were inadvertently left in the foot warmer. If yes, it is important that you remove them before heating the foot warmers. 3. After heating the foot warmers for 1 minute, use your feet to feel both the interior and exterior if they are warm enough. Otherwise you may re-heat them a little longer. You can reheat your foot warmers as often as you require using them. 4. Most microwave foot warmers are not designed for normal walking but more for warming your cold and aching feet after being in the cold weather for a long time. These electric foot warmers are best used warming your feet while you are resting and sitting in your armchair or couch or sometimes your bed. In fact most people like to warm their feet this way just before bed time because having warm feet helps in sleeping. And all it takes is to microwave foot warmers for only 1 minute.